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Vote for Jason Luttrell today for a better Tennessee tomorrow.

Jason Luttrell for Tennessee


Jason Luttrell is a third-generation farmer and political scientist from rural Lincoln County, Tennessee, and is running to be your State House Representative in House District 70.


Jason often tells people from outside our area that there are more cows than people here. This fact might explain why we have so few options when it comes to choosing our public servants.


That's why Jason's running for the Tennessee House of Representatives in the 70th district: to keep our democracy vibrant by offering a distinct vision for the future of Tennessee. 


For the last 20 years, Jason has been involved in politics and public administration, working on various political campaigns in roles ranging from field volunteer for a presidential candidate to campaign manager for a Tennessee state representative.


Jason has also studied public administration at the graduate level and holds two degrees in related fields. With both real-world and academic experience, Jason Luttrell is well-qualified to serve the people of Giles, Lincoln, and Lawrence Counties. 



Stop gouging us for groceries.​

As your state representative, Jason will do all he can to fight the inflation caused by corporate price gouging, which is bleeding the people of Tennessee dry. While working families struggle with soaring inflation, making it difficult to afford basic necessities—groceries, gas, medicine—greedy corporations rake in record profits, clear proof they are gouging us in the grocery aisle. They claim rising costs justify their actions, yet their profits soar, fueling inflation. More Tennesseans are tightening their belts and maxing out credit cards to put food on the table while corporate fat cats laugh all the way to the bank. This issue is personal for Jason because he has elderly parents who are on a fixed income, which isn’t increasing along with expenses, so their finances are being pinched just like all retired Tennesseans. This isn't just unfair; it's immoral. We need tough regulations to stop this exploitation, curb inflation, stabilize prices, and ensure a square deal for every Tennessean.

Retire the 3rd grade retention law.​

If elected, Jason promises to abolish Tennessee’s third grade retention law, which mandates holding back students who fail state standardized tests. Retention can harm students' emotional well-being and social development, increasing dropout rates and future academic struggles. Additionally, this law places an undue burden on teachers and parents who must navigate the complexities of “teaching the test” and making retention decisions while managing already demanding workloads. Jason pledges to advocate for comprehensive early intervention programs, individualized support, and enhanced resources for teachers and parents to address educational challenges. By focusing on personalized education rather than punitive measures, he believes we can better support our students' diverse needs and create a more equitable learning environment for all.

Healthcare is a human right.

Tennessee must seize the opportunity to accept federal healthcare funds, vital for fortifying rural hospitals and driving down the exorbitant costs of prescriptions and healthcare services. By embracing these federal resources, we ensure that every Tennessean, regardless of zip code, has access to quality care. As your state representative, Jason will prioritize the well-being of working families, aiming to make healthcare a human right, not a privilege. By investing in our healthcare infrastructure and taking on big pharmaceutical companies, he aims to empower communities and create a system that works for all, not just the wealthy few. Together, we can build a healthier, fairer Tennessee.


End "golden giveaways" to the wealthy and

While Tennessee legislators celebrate tax refunds for corporations, they ignore the working families struggling to make ends meet. Jason is opposed to the legislature’s $1.6 billion corporate giveaway, which prioritizes big business over the needs of the people. Where is the refund for the hardworking Tennesseans who keep our state running? As your state representative, Jason will demand that the interests of the many be put above the profits of the few. He believes we won't stand for this corporate giveaway while our communities suffer. It's time to fight for real tax reform that benefits working families, not just the wealthy and well-connected.




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Jason plans to enact legislation and support policies that will do the most good for the people of Tennessee. We hope you will join us on this journey, helping to elect Jason so he can fight to pass laws that will help secure a better Tennessee for all. 

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